April and May 2021
It seems ages ago since this blog has been updated, yet, it's only been two and half months. That doesn't seem long, except daily blogs or a least weekly blogs was the commitment. So what was the deal? A divorce. In four days it will be final and this life will jump back on the highway.
You think being distracted by keeping busy with anything other than the gathering of paperwork and memory would be beneficial. Maybe for some, but not everyone. Stress plays a huge factor, even when stress appears to be under control. It never really is though. Stress lurks and pounces and devastates an entire being, until you don't know what just hit you. This happens even when you're happy about such a drastic life change.
If you're going through any upheaval in your life, here's somethings to ponder: take it one day at a time, be sure there's someone to talk to, leave the creative stuff until it's over or ready, and trust your memory.
Of course, if you can multitask, then by all means have at it!